Monday, January 5, 2009

Long week

It has been a while since I have run each of the 7 days in a week and I happened to pick a bad week to do it. It was really ugly out there, day after day, ice-slush-snow, the conditions were different and unpleasant nearly every day but I did manage to get out there and get some decent runs in for a 65mile week. Other than being fairly tired, my body has held up well and my calf-shin issues are again slowly improving. Today I ended up taking the day off, not for any real good reason other than being tired and it being inconvenient to run, I should have at least gotten in a 30min jog or yoga session, but alas it is nearly 11pm. As another half-assed excuse, today was the first day of school so trekked it out to Surrey, wow is the campus out there every awesome, such a gorgeous building. I was also reading all day, I have been working on this book the last few days trying to get it finished before school starts because I know once I get my text books I wont be doing much casual reading. So other than not running, it was a productive day!

So I have spoken with my coach Richard and he thought it best not to do the Saanich 8k this coming weekend, which I am perfectly ok with. He figured it better to get some consistent running in to prepare for the 'First Half' which is fast approaching and I would like to put in a good showing. I really need to get my head in the game, well I stated that wrong, I am getting my head in the game right now. It was nice to be casual about running for the fall and through the first part of the winter but now I am conciously going to put some pressure on myself to commit to getting up at the same time and training each day consistently, and making a concious effort to stay hydrated at all times and eat more healthily. I have also found out that with the health benefits I get through school starting this semester I should be able to get a few massages out of it, yes! Well, thats about all for now.

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