Monday, December 29, 2008

bumpity bump bump...bump

The road has been bumpy! What a december, between the exams, getting sick, going home(and nearly dying on the drive), december has been a rough one for training. I suspected this would be the case and didn't fight it! I have one week before school starts and I have virtually no responsibilities so if this isnt the key to a proper start to training, i don't know what is. Unfortunately the weather is pretty crap, well actually its the leftover snow that is making the running a bit difficult. Since when are the running conditions worse in Vancouver than in Kitimat? Hopefully we'll get more rain and wash all this away, I really want to get training again here, full tilt. I am definitely ready to get healthy, fit, and feeling like a specialized animal again, its about damn time.

I finally have my class schedule and it isnt too bad, but will force me to workout on tuesday mornings, so I might try to tie in with the SFU group again, which is alright, hopefully Dylan will be there. Thursday is open and I will be able to meet up with someone to do thursday's focus session. So its really not too bad, other than my 830 am class on wednesday which is horrific, I don't even want to think about it right now aaah. The good thing about the schedule is it leaves a few evenings open so i'll be able to work a bit more, and attend functions in the community and what not. All in all, it is not an ideal schedule but I think it will work out fine. I am a bit nervous about my classes but excited as well. It is going to be a great semester and a great year I am certain of it, virtually everything in life is on the up and up, so here's hoping I can keep a good balance.

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