Thursday, January 29, 2009

and so it goes...

Busy busy busy. So much for having less schoolwork from taking less classes this semester. I suppose I was just being hopeful. One of my classes is looking like it is going to be an enormous amount of work, and another a lot of work, the third just average I think. I am not feeling overwhelmed yet but I have been stupid busy. I can't even say I have been hitting the books as much as I would like, but I have been working more and busy doing other things. I have made running a priority so I have also been somewhat busy with that, however only doing single runs, and the occasional double. Training is going great, I am feeling fit and doing some solid workouts, but definitely need to hit the yoga as I am feeling imbalanced and need to get a massage here pretty soon. Yesterday we did a speedier workout and it actually turned out fairly good despite feeling tired, and my guts being an absolute disaster. It was just one of those days where not only did I feel like crap but Richard and Steve were running really well which didn't make me feel any better! Anyhow, the group is functioning how it should, dragging along the guys who aren't having the best days. I am excited for the first half.

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