Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I suspected Tuesday's workout with the SFU group would be ugly and boy was it ever. Had my ass handed to me, how embarrassing. Two 2k reps in and I was sucking wind. It is exactly what I wanted and needed so at least that is good. Hopefully next week I will fare better, I know I will, those young punks will get theirs. It is definitely nice to be back to running even if it is slow and painful. Unfortunately my calf injury is still bothering me and I am not quite sure what to do with it. I am going to have to get into the yoga again and hit it with the massag stick and keep stretching it all the time since at the moment I can't afford to get any kind of treatment on it. I am applying for funding fromt the Aboriginal Sport Circle but I don't know when that will come through since I missed the deadline and there probably won't be another round of funding for a few months. Anyway, it is manageable so thats what I will do. As for plans...I was thinking...ok dreaming...about the Victoria marathon but there is obviously no time to get in shape for that and my calf wouldn't be able to handle it so I am just going to try and get fast on singles, and try and make the bc team for National Cross. The tentative plan is to do the half marathon in victoria on I thinnk October 12th, then BC Cross and Nationals, and perhaps i'll jump into a roadrace or something to keep it interesting. I am pretty excited to get training and really excited about school so i'm pretty happy in general which is a great thing with the weather getting colder and the immenent rain. Well i'll try and update each week again, can't wait for my Brooks order to come through, maybe it'll come on my birthday on friday! happy trails, hope you all had a great summer.

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