Sunday, March 23, 2008

Discipline, Lactate Threshold, wk2

Lactate Threshold is the point at which the body's ability to buffer Lactate in the blood is exceeded by the amount being produced by the muscles during a given activity. The faster pace you can run without breaking this threshold, the better marathon runner you will be. This pace is of course trainable by running, you guessed it, Lactate Threshold(LT) Runs. Achieving this training stimulus is effectively done by running 7-10miles at, or just above your current LT pace, which loosely correlates to your current 10mile to half marathon race pace. I scheduled this workout this week on Sunday(today) and failed miserably at executing it. After an easy 2mile warm up I headed out on my 10mile LT run passing the 1k marker at 3:00...knowing I was in trouble I eased off but by 5k was racing and by 8k threw my gloves on the ground and called it quits, furious. At 3mins/km or 4:48/mi I am well over my LT and thus the whole purpose of the workout was pretty well ruined in the first few minutes, and perhaps I should have just stopped, rested, and started over. The workout became a disaster for a number of reasons but it really boils down to not being disciplined in that first kilometer.

Discipline was an issue all week, beginning with the long run on Tuesday where I did not put near enough effort into recovering the rest of that day and the following day, resulting in an unsatisfactory Interval workout. In addition, I stayed in Vancouver to visit some friends one night and did not get adequate sleep or nutrition.

On a more positive note, the weather has been excellent, my long run and medium long run felt great, and I'm excited for a week of improved training, and for my calves to finally heal up. As well, when I was in Vancouver I attended an indigenous gathering and ceremony called 8000 drums which is always good medicine and one of the main reasons I am back out west.
I won't say I am happy with the training week but I won't say it was poor either.
LR - 22mi @ 5:39.4/mi
Int - 4mi @ 4:48.2/mi
MdL - 15mi @ 5:56.3/mi
LT - 5mi @ 5:07.8/mi
Supp - 2 - 10x200m @ 32s
- 3 - Strength Session
Volume - 112mi

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