Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Not sure if its the running or if I am depressed, probably both. One of the worst things about getting back in shape is that a 35min run actually takes quite a bit out of you, sad, but true. I have been running every other day for 35-45mins and it has been pretty great in general, but totally crashing later in the day. I am really looking forward to my body adjusting to the load, and hopefully naturally adjusting to the increased calorie demands.

I met up with the group on saturday which was really nice. It has been months, many months, since I have met up with them and its great to see not much has changed. There are a few new faces(to the group), and it was good just to see everyone who I haven't been able to connect with in a long time. Of course I could only chat with them on the warm up because I had to take up the rear, and only for half the workout! The good and bad thing about that was the fact that it didn't much bother me that I was back there! I suppose I didn't mind it because I can accept where my fitness level is, but it would have been nice if a little part of me wished I was up there with Steve and Richard.....oh well, i'll give it some time. And in all fairness even when I was fit last spring I had a hard time keeping up to them in the park. Regardless, I am enjoying the return and looking forward to being able to do a long run one of these days.

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