Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Red Road

...continued from last post...

During this run to Alaska we would be hosted by many communities and do ceremony every morning and evening. I won't go into details but the entirety of the run was a very spiritual experience. Running with the Eagle staff was ceremony itself, suffering while carrying all of the prayers for World Peace, Healing of Sacred Mother Earth, Healing of all our brothers and sisters who are suffering, and many others, was an experience like no other and would change my life forever. From then on running for me has not been about beating other people, or becoming the best, or becoming an Olympian. These things are secondary. As a spiritual indigenous man I run because I have been blessed with the ability to suffer willingly and pray to the creator that that suffering eases that of those who cannot help themselves. And as a healthy indigenous man I run to be a strong role model for young men and women who are striving to be strong and healthy role models and leaders.

The reason I have told this story is because today I had a profound experience, a small one but profound, no less. Throughout my build up to Ottawa I had severe motivational problems, where I did not have the fire I have had in the past but for the most part I persevered because the goal of making the Olympics was so close. Although the outcome in Ottawa was poor I was more relieved that the race was over so that I could get on with life and since then have been reflective. With this Olympic cycle coming to a close I was starting to think about if I would continue to run competitively or throw in the towel and focus on other parts of my life and in the last couple of days was severely tormented. Even though I know better than to allow this torment to happen it came an there was nothing I could do, today being the worst of it. Lucky for me whenever I feel confused or frustrated with life and its big decisions I am guided or sent a message in one way or another that helps me make my decisions. On my evening run was one such occurrence. This morning I had come so close to quitting altogether after walking nearly 5km back to my house and the rest of the day was seriously considering quitting, but nevertheless headed out for an evening run hoping for something better out of my body. Not 3 minutes into my run I was feeling ok but also thinking that I really need to treat my body with more respect(as I have been enjoying the off season quite a bit) so that I can feel good running again. Not a moment later I looked down and sure enough at my feet lay an Eagle Feather! In native culture this is a very significant event as Eagles are revered and carry great wisdom, power, and strength. To be offered this great gift at this time is a great honour and is not to be taken lightly. Being a spiritual person I do not see this as a coincidence and accept the feather as symbol of guidance to continue with running, and strength to persevere through this time and continue to self actualize. I have truly been blessed in my life to be given such guidance so that I can continue my life's path along the Red Road.

All My Relations

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