Monday, May 12, 2008

Oh the Anticipation, wk9

The last time I raced a full marathon, I mean really 'raced' a marathon was back in 2005 in Ottawa. It was my first competitive one and there were really only 3 main Canadian guys in it, myself, Jim Finlayson, and Matt McInnes. It's hard to believe it has been three years, and even harder to believe I am saying that at only 25years of age. That race was awesome for many reasons, mainly because I had never been fitter and when you are really fit the marathon is a really fun event. The nature of the marathon, because the distance and duration is so much more of a challenge than shorter events you get to run the first half and then some at a comfortable pace. For those who aren't competitive runners or have not run a marathon when very fit it is hard to imagine I suppose. Because of this fact, a great deal of the race is very enjoyable, you are running fast, taking turns leading and even chatting sometimes, while anticipating the second portion of the marathon, the racing part. At least that is how Ottawa is likely to play out for myself anyway. Some marathoners, Bill Rogers for instance, was someone who actually liked to get out and run hard through the middle of the race and put the competition away so that he could relax through the latter part of the race, so he would push from around 6 to 10 miles, and wouldn't necessarily experience the race as I have said above. I suspect the race in Ottawa will not be like that for me, and that the top Canadian pack will go out and run together at an even pace through halfway. This year there are going to be more than 3 guys which is awesome and I am really excited about it. To be out there rolling with a pack of guys who are all striving for a similar goal is going to be a really great experience.

Despite having a lackluster couple of weeks recently I have let go of my panic and relaxed. One of the things with marathon training in particular, is that you put in a lot of work over a long period of time. There are ups and downs, but because this work has been over a period of months come race day, if you prepare in the few days prior to the race and are rested, that fitness will come forth. Part of training full time, and in my position, not having a coach, provides you the time to analyze everything, and in my case too much, which has led to getting worked up about things in the present and immediate future which is foolish, but a natural consequence. I am confident in my training. Over the last 9 months I have trained more consistently than any time in my life, and I know that come race day, excluding any circumstances I cannot control, my body, mind, heart, and spirit will be ready to put forth a supreme effort, and I could ask for nothing more. These are exciting times in Canadian Marathoning and I am glad to be a part of it. 12 days 15hours and some odd minutes to go.
LR - 22mi @ Relaxed Pace
MdL - 15mi w/ 11mi @ 5:35/mi
Supp - 2 - Strength Session
- 2 - Yoga Session
- 10 - 1k pick up in off day runs @ ~3:05/km
Volume - 84mi

1 comment:

  1. Hey, great to hear that you are relaxed and feeling in the moment. We're all hoping you do well and have fun next weekend! Take care Ry
