Monday, January 11, 2010

Sucker for Punishment

Last semester I decided in the first week of classes that I would transfer out of a course I needed to re-take and into the hardest course I have taken to date. This more or less set me up for a super busy fall. Turns out masochism extends beyond running because I am doing it to myself again. OK, not nearly as bad but I am now transferring from a 6 credit course involving a thesis paper(with quite a bit of overlap) and a lot of discussion into two math classes. The drawback isn't so much the work involved but the interest level. Anyhow, this time around running will not be sacrificed, which brings me to today.

I have been running now for about 14 years or so but it still always shocks me how great it feels when you start up again after a layoff. Even though I am sore and tired, I am just happier, and feel better all around. I may not get into great shape over the next few months but my number one goal will be to remain consistent and stay in touch with that feeling which often dissipates as you start grinding through training. Today I was up to 40mins in the pouring rain and really enjoyed it despite the slightly sore calves, hamstrings, groin, left compartment.....the list goes on! It is going to be nice to be light and fluid again that is for sure. Goal for the week: meet up with the group on sunday and do 45mins, ambitious I know....

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