I decided before the race that I would really just try and compete rather than do what I have done in the past and time trial it. After the gun went off we headed down Georgia street for the first downhill km and as soon as we took the corner at 1200m I was already off the back of the chase pack and thought, great i'm off the back already for another sun run, but at 2.5k I made a quick surge and tucked in behind the group running comfortably until the hill heading up and over the Burrard street bridge where the chase group gapped me again by the better part of 50meters. Once I crested the hill I put in another surge and managed to tuck back into the pack and hang in with them for another km but then slowly they pulled away and themselves spread out. Over the next 2km I was running alone but staying pretty focused but again as I climbed the hill onto the Cambie street bridge I was passed by David Jackson and then Nathan Kendrick on the downhill but managed to muster a hard kick over the last 150m or so and finished up ahead of them. I have never really kicked down anyone before so I was quite pleased with that! Overall, I was disappointed with the resulting time however my current ability to run hills is atrocious and I decided to run in my old Brooks ST Racer marathon flats which are markedly slower than my new Adidas AdiZero Pro flats I have been racing in, so I am not too broken up about the slow time. The reason I chose the heavier flat for this race was mainly because my lower legs were finally feeling better and wanted to minimize the damage to them, and also for moral reasons because I am sponsored by Brooks Canada again, but haven't received any 10k flats just yet.
As for the week, well it was saved by running reasonably well at the Sun Run! I decided early on this week that I would have to take it easy because persistent aching of my lower legs was getting to me, so I just ran a medium long run and the rest of the week was easy jogging. I also felt like I needed a bit of a mental regroup since I was feeling a bit flat in that area. The good news is now I feel fresh and the next three and a half weeks are going to be focused and strong, and I am feeling confident I will be well prepared for Ottawa.
MdL - 16mi @ No Time
Race - 6.125mi @ 4:55.8/mi
Supp - 2 - Strength Session
Volume - 80mi
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